Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RTC school program (Frazer Town)Bangalore

Date: 7th August'10
Our RTC school program went well. Around 220 teens had attended from the class of 3rd to 8th.This was the first JY program in that school. Most of the students are having different problems. We (pradeep,thoma,jomon,anto,suraj,tulip,Bagia and Prince) were there for the program . We started with an action song after that a session, but the students were not involving with us more. And we saw that with the help of word of God they were able to come back closer to Lord and enjoyed their session. Then we divided the group into two. But we felt that most of the faces were having worries and burdens...but at the end of the program they all were happy and dancing with the songs mandalenaa,trig trig etc.....special congrats for each and every one.

All this programs are not simple…We are the disciples of God...so God will send us to a school or a program with a special intention...to save all souls (include us).

St. Michaels School Program, Geddalahalli, Kothanur

Around 60 students from 8, 9 and 10 standards of St. Michael's School attended the teens program held in the institution on 31 July 2010. Topics emphasized in the one-day program are –
(1) God My Loving Father + His Plan For Me
(2) Holy Spirit My Best Friend
(3) Living As God’s Children In Today’s World
The program had its share of fun, including many songs and plays etc.

St. Charles school program Kamanahalli

St. Charles school teen’s program went well. Their were around 150 teenagers who attend this program. The program headed by Jesus youth families. One day program covered the topics like God’s love, respect parents, teachers, use of money, mobile phone, internet etc, sin and repentance and Holy Spirit.Joemon,Ronita and Akash handled the music and our Maria shared her testimony. This is a beautiful experience for us to spend a full day program with our Jesus Youth families (Mathew chtn and chchi and jo kuttan, Jude chtn and chchi and Mon, Joe chtn and July chchi).After Holy Spirit session fill with the song and we experience about the showering of Holy Spirit.

Chalo Training program

Participants from different parts of India reached Bangalore on 29 April 2010 for the Chalo Training program. The event, in which 15 teens were trained, was hosted in Carmel Convent School. It went very well, and the agenda included staging of many new songs. In the morning of 1 May, around 20 people, including the participants and leaders started the journey from Bangalore to Jarkhand. And they returned on 22 May. One of the participants – Rhea – was from Bangalore.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reach 10-Report

Below is a brief write-up by Cini Mathew who was part of the programme team for REACH '10.

One week before REACH ‘10 was about to start, nothing was in place; mobilization was not done, pamphlets were not printed, resources were not finalised. Nothing seemed to be in place, but still each member of the teens team had their hope on the Lord. REACH started on Thursday 4:30 pm with the registration. On 1st of May, not even 1 person was confirmed and on 6th May we had 68 participants registered. The first day just passed by, with no one really seeming to be interested.
The second day started with lots of confusion and lots of tension, but still no one lost hope. Amidst all these confusion, Lord showed His mercy upon each one of us. The session on God's love (which was the first session) was liked by all. Then was an activity where the teens themselves prepared and presented skit. Each team presented a skit, and it was well accepted by all. Then was the time of some game and enjoyment with paper dressing. After all this masti was the session and workshop on Confidence Building, which gave the teens an insight on how they could do great things with the help of Lord. After this, the teens attended a session and video presentation on Teen Saints followed by a session on Mother Mary which was taken by Deril (he is now doing his 1st yr BCA). The session was so well accepted by the teens that one of them even said “I want to be like this brother (Deril), when I grow up". It was followed by the Adoration taken by Br.George. It was such a beautiful time of Adoration that every participant felt the touch of Lord; they all said that they were able to feel the love of Christ.
The third day started well with God's grace, with a beautiful time of Praise and Worship, then moving on to Sin and Temptation, the session taken by Teena, followed by a session on Prolife. Then there was a session on 10 commandments taken by Jithin, and then was the time of confession. Many participants said that they were able to make a very good confession. They were able to open up their hearts after a long time and were so much relaxed. After the confession and Holy Mass, the teens attended a session on Holy Spirit, handled by Br.George. This was the day when God's grace and mercy was even more evident. Until 5:00 we were lagging behind by 1 hr, but by the end of the day all the session were over by 8:30 and we had time to even celebrate a teen's birthday and then clean the entire hall and go to sleep by 11:00. Such was the mercy of our Lord. He never left alone anyone of us, be it volunteers or teens. He kept each one of us in His care. The Inner healing session on that day was made more beautiful by the beautiful decoration done by the audio visual ministry and lead by Jithin.
The fourth day, we saw all the participants jumping around with joy after the anointing of the Holy Spirit lead by Jose Sebastian. Many volunteers, who were asked to lay their hands on the teens and pray, themselves felt the power of the Spirit flowing through their body. The anointing worship was followed by a session on the Word of God. Then there was an activity where the teens were asked to publish a newspaper on their past three days at the Camp. The response was awesome. Lord gave the grace that each and every teenager, all the 68 participants were involved in making the newspaper for their group. Total 6 papers were published, all with different names and unique creative ideas. At the end of the day, the parents also gathered to bless their children, they joined us for mass, lunch and then for a session on family values.

Over all it was a beautiful experience for each one part of the program, be it the volunteer or the participant. The Music ministry gave a very lively ending to the programme with very good action songs. The song "Chik Chik Chang" written and composed by Becky of Chennai was liked by all the participants and their parents. The Audio Visual ministry made the programme more colourful with meaningful skits in between sessions. The best thing was that, all the big resources were listed for the program, but everyone was busy at that time, so everyone part of team became the resources. The testimonies shared by the leaders of the Bangalore teens team was most inspiring. There was one girl Maria who was a participant of Philia'09. She gave testimonies that made each one to stand in awe of our Lord. His mercies never cease. She gave 3-4 testimonies without preparing. Lord Jesus was merciful on each one of us.
I would like to end this write-up by telling the line that Tulip got while she was preparing for MC - "God does not choose the qualified, but qualifies the chosen". It was indeed true in case of everyone part of REACH '10. He moulded and used each one of us. Glory and Praise be to our great and mighty Lord. His mercies never cease. So much of joy is there in my heart right now as I write this. Praise the Lord forever. Please continue praying for each participant of REACH and Chalo. The participants of both the programs touched all of our heart so much, that their love is still fresh in our hearts and mind.


A summer programme for teens – REACH ’10 - was organized by the Bangalore Teens ministry from 6th to 9th May in Carmel Convent School, Bangalore. The theme of the program was ‘Extend your Boundaries’. The programme was attended by 68 teens from different schools and parishes of Bangalore

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Reach'10 Fireflies

Date:May 6th 4.30pm to 9th 4.30pm

Venue:Carmel Convent School Jayanagar

Welcome all High School Students


Hi all,

I’m still thinking of Reach'10.. and how well it was run. In the initial stage of planning for this program we had run into a lot of complexities, and even came close to canceling it. I believe that God had already planned and selected this program, and he organized it for us when we were helpless.

Most of the teenagers who attended reach ’10 developed a personal relationship with Jesus.

And this time around, we got many volunteers who did their very best to conduct the events. All of you know that in the beginning we were not getting the resource persons, but on the right time right people came. We were undecided about the counseling, and on Saturday at 11 am we called Mathew chettan and asked, and he volunteered to come at 2 pm! Many attendees shared their life’s problems in the counseling session.

In the accommodation hall nobody had to give much attention to disciplining the teens. It was all so silent and quiet. I believe that this is the work of Holy Spirit. Our program time Intersession was the beauty of this program. Actually there was nothing else to help us. The team’s unity and support is really appreciable.

Feena, you have done a very good job in a limited time.... we did not face any problems in finance. Really good work. Josna and John were the backbone support for program team, booklet and Intercession. Thomas was always at hand ready to do anything...I don’t know what to say....Father(Showraiah) you spend more time with us..thanks lot.. this help us to prepare the program schedule more...Shinto we miss you... Hope you all remember that the program’ name and Word of God were suggested by Neema.... also specially remember that Jomons, Deril, Jincy, Meetu, Sini, Tulip, Levin, Jubish,Benny, Nancy, Lijo and all group leaders,Music and Audio visual team. Presently most of your presence is not in the program, but your valuable prayers and support helped us a lot....

St.Dominic Savio pray for us[Reach program patron saint]

Mother Mary pray for us

-Prince Abraham.