Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Inspirational Testimonies

Rhea's chalo Jharkhand experience:-

These few days of Chalo are very remarkable days of my life. In Bangalore when we had the retreat, I learnt a lot of things. During the classes taken about purification the best thing I liked was that ''If you sin, God will not punish you because God loves you so much, but when you sin, it is you who try to hide your sin and that punishes yourself '', so in other words it is you who punish yourself when you sin.

Then I had a very good experience during Adoration and not only that it was for the first time that I could be a part of the Holy Mass when it was celebrated in the train. And also, I learnt a lot of things in these 20 days, I understood how difficult it is to live in the villages and so I feel that I am so lucky to have so many good facilities and I feel that I am living in paradise, I also feel that I saw the world now.

I understood that Prayer is so powerful and that our God is so merciful. But still there were some sufferings during this mission but I had actually expected more sufferings. Speaking about the people of Jharkhand I feel that they are so great, especially the people of the villages, when we went to stay in the villages they gave us everything they had, they treated us like their own family members, they were so caring and loving and the best thing I liked was that- when we went to their homes they greeted us saying ''Jai yeshu''. Then I also liked the Jharkhand style of welcoming people, it shows that they are so humble.

Then speaking about the program most of the classes were so different and inspiring. And the games, the team work, and the home visiting were all very enriching. I will never forget all these things in my life. Then speaking about the participants, all of them were so friendly and nice, on the first day when I saw all of them together I never thought that I could be friends with all of them because all of them were older than me but later on I saw that they came and spoke to me and i felt so happy because of their friendliness.

Then when all of us went to the ''Missionaries of Charity'', I really felt that I am so lucky. Then speaking about the Leaders they were so caring, loving and helping. And overall speaking about the whole program it was very, very good and I got to know more about Jesus and about the world in which I am living. I understood that I am so lucky and I got to know about the lifestyle of others and now I am so happy to be a part of this program and I also feel that in these 20 days I have learnt more things than these 14 years of mine.

Thank you & God Bless
Rhea Mathew


Maria's Testimony
Jesus my dear Friend

God is my best friend. He is my true friend. Whenever I called to Him, He would answer me with a perfect sentence or statement. That answer might be through Bible passages or through the thought in my mind, or through the words of parents, Priests, Sisters at school, or school mates.

Jesus is always there with me in sorrows and happiness. When something bad happens, I would think why this happened to me but later when I recollect it again then I would understand that God made it happen and it is for my good. So whatever bad happens I just consecrate it to God and be happy. My only prayer that I would always say in my school, house and wherever I am is : “May my words and my thoughts be acceptable to You, O Lord, my refuge and my redeemer” (Psalms 19:14). This prayer helps us to speak, think and act at the proper time in proper place. God will always help us if we call to Him and ask Him for help. During my exams if I forget any answer I just keep my pen down and close my eyes and pray for a second and then I will go to the next question. At the end I would again pray for that answer, then what answer comes in my mind I would write that and then if I come to class and see in my C.W, that answer would be, correct. This is one of my experiences. Another one experience is that , whenever a problem raises in my family, I would go to a corner and pray and at that time some kind of solution will raise for that problem and my home would be again calm and quite. I always have a decade of rosary in my hand. Once when I was walking on the road on the way to school, a car just passed by and I thought that if I was a little more on the road I would have died. But God saved me from that.

I had a wish in 5th std to start a prayer in my school. But it did not happen. I prayed to God and asked His Will to be fulfilled and waited. In my 8th std I could start the prayer with the help of Sr.Roslyn who was my class teacher in 7th std. And now that prayer group is going on very well.

Whenever we cry out to God for help He will help us, the only thing we should do is ask His Will to be fulfilled then whatever happens it would be for our own good. We must keep God as our best friend. He is a true friend. He will stand with us in all our joys and also sorrows. We share with Him all our worries. When we share with Him we will feel a divine peace or joy in our mind. So let’s ask Him for help. Let’s keep Him as our dear Father and also lets keep Him as our dear best friend.
-Maria(8th std)
Schoenstatt St'Mary's school,8th mile tumkur road, nagasandra,Bangalore 73

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